Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lois Nozel's Hot Dish

BROWN in pan
3# ground beef
5 cloves garlic and a little oil

1 - 12 oz and 1- 6 oz can tomato paste
2large cans tomato juice (Buy 3 cans but don’t open the third one)
½ # Italian sausage cut into chunks (brown a little in the oven)
Heat on top of stove

ADD to sauce
¼ tsp crushed red pepper
½ tsp basil
¾ tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp sugar
1 small Pkg Sargento Capri cheese shredded (this is an old recipe, they maybe don’t
make this anymore, Use any kind of mozzarella cheese)
SIMMER 2 hours

Meanwhile, cook
2 Pkgs mosticollo noodles (don’t use Creamette brand they are to mushy) (even though
they come from St Paul
Put in big roaster pan (you might have to buy one of those aluminum turkey roasters)

All of the sauce
BAKE 1 hour uncovered 350’
ADD 1 pkg sliced pepperoni while in the oven
PS You might have to add part of the remaining can of tomato juice if it gets too dried
out. It depends on the noodles and the oven.

Serves 15 “big boy” servings

This was a favorite served at post-game parties for the STA Cadets football games. 

1 comment:

Mulcharama HQ said...

BROWN in pan
2# ground beef
5 cloves garlic and a little oil

4x 28 oz jars (technically 26+26+28+13 oz) Marinara or Red Sauce
1 # Italian sausage cut into chunks (brown a little in the oven)
Heat on top of stove

ADD to sauce
¼ tsp crushed red pepper
½ tsp basil
¾ tsp Italian seasoning
1 tsp salt
½ tsp pepper
1 tsp sugar
8 oz (2 cup) Pkg mozzarella cheese)

Meanwhile, cook
2 lbs mosticollo noodles
Put in big roaster pan (you might have to buy one of those aluminum turkey roasters)

All of the sauce
2x 5 oz pkg sliced pepperoni prior to adding to the oven
BAKE 1 hour uncovered 350’

Serves 15 “big person” servings